Flying a kite


How long has it been since you flew a kite? As an adult doing these things brings back memories, and if your doing them with your kids then your creating those memories you may have had. You can pick up a kite from almost any variety store, online shop, or make one yourself.

We grab these ones from our local variety store the price ranges from $3 to $6 they are great value, any fly with almost no wind, and if you break them, as kids tend to do, you haven't broken the bank.

You can consume hrs of fun with kites, beaches, or coast line generally have good drafts, around and on hills are also good. and of course your local park is always a good place to start.

Kites come in so many shapes and sizes, and for the serious kite lovers there is even "kite offs" Events held where you will see kites you thought were never possible.

If flying a kite sounds like a bit of fun for you, jump online and grab one,  Link here, better yet be adventurous, extend the fun and make one.

Happy kite time, up up and away.?


  • Flying Kites


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